Tonique Cuisine

Bone broth

Give your vitality a boost with this bone broth. The long, slow cooking of this broth allows the collagen, nutrients and minerals contained in bones, bones and carcasses to be released into the liquid. Bone broth is simple to make, timeless and evokes a return to our roots. What’s more, it’s easier to prepare than you might think, and the health benefits are impressive!

Output : 4 liters

Ingredients :

  • 2 kg (4 1/2 lbs) beef, chicken, duck, turkey or lamb bones, or fish or seafood carcasses
  • 2 tbsp. cider vinegar
  • Condiments of your choice (salt, fish sauce, gluten-free tamari, etc.)
  • Chopped vegetables of your choice (onion, garlic, carrot, celery, leek, fennel, etc.)
  • Herbs of your choice (parsley, bay leaf, thyme, oregano, etc.)

Cooking time

Chicken : 6h to 24h

Beef : 24h to 48h

Seafood carcasses : 12h

Fish : 4h

The larger and thicker the bones, the longer they need to be cooked to extract all their nutrients. Preferably use organic marrow bones.


Place bones or carcasses in a large pot. Cover with water (about 5 litres/20 cups) and add cider vinegar.

Bring to the boil and skim off any foam that may form on the surface of the liquid at the start of cooking, as it contains impurities that can affect the taste of the broth.

Ajouter les condiments, les légumes et les herbes aromatiques et laisser mijoter à feux doux de 12 à 48 heures, selon le type d’os (voir l’encadré). À la fin de la cuisson, les os se décomposeront, car ils auront perdu minéraux, cartilages et tendons.

Add condiments, vegetables and herbs and simmer over low heat for 12 to 48 hours, depending on the type of bone (see box). By the end of cooking, the bones will have decomposed, having lost their minerals, cartilage and tendons.

Strain the stock and discard any bones or carcasses. Compost vegetables and herbs, or reuse them immediately in soup.

Collagen, present in bone broth, not just in your jar of cream!

Discover how essential amino acids such as arginine, glutamine and cysteine found in bone broth can boost immunity in humans and animals.

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