“So, how was your vacation?”
─ Tiring. I’m exhausted.
We hear this so often nowadays, it almost sounds normal. Be it after a week on a cruiseship in the Carribean or after a couple of weeks racing accross Europe, lots of vacationers come back in a worst shape they were when they left. Maybe we just plan our vacations at the same crazy pace we run our lives?
When I first went to Spa Eastman (that was many years ago!), it was a short stay of 3 nights only. But when I got back to work the day after, I felt like I had been away for a whole week. I started telling everyone that 3 days at Spa Eastman were worth a full week anywhere else.
The results of a study conducted by Professor Mary H. Tabacchi, Ph.D., R.D., of Cornell University School of Hotel Administration confirm my feeling. According to this study, a visit to a destination spa, more than any other type of vacation, will also result in a feeling of increased energy, focus and creativity in the workplace. Researchers polled 500 randomly selected destination spagoers and compared their responses with a similar demographic of non-destination spa vacationers following their vacation experiences. This study is the first to quantitatively show the benefits of destination spa vacations.
After a stay in a destination spa, spagoers felt more alert, appeared to have a very high ability to resolve challenges, had an increased ability to relax each evening and felt better able to handle everyday life. Even family and friends noticed a definite positive change!
Twenty years ago, spa vacations used to sound like a caprice, a real luxury. Now, it is a serious option for living a healthier life… and having the greatest vacations of all!