Take advantage of the beautiful days to train outside! We’ve come up with a series of simple exercises for you to do on your next walk. You won’t need any equipment, just use what you find on the way.
Bench dips
Starting position
- Sit on a bench
- Put your hands under your butt with your fingers pointing forward
- Point your elbows back and keep them close to your torso
- Inhale, bending your elbows and sliding your torso close to the bench
- Keep your elbows pointing back and center
- Exhale, pushing into the palms of your hands to come back up by straightening your arms
Variante : The more you extend your legs out, the more difficult it is!
Tree push-up
Starting position
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart
- Engage your abs
- Pull your shoulders down and back
- Keep your head in line with your spine
- Place your hands at chest height (or slightly below if more comfortable)
- Inhale, bending your elbows out until your chest is about a fist away from the tree
- Don’t move your head forward, but make sure you keep your chest open
- Exhale and push into your palms to extend your arms
Lunge kick
Starting Position
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart
- Engage your abs and keep your head in line with your spine.
- Pull your shoulders down and back
- Inhale, taking a big step forward and bending your knees to lower your body toward the floor
- Lift your heels behind you so that both of your knees are bent
- Focus on three 90° angles: Both of your knees and your hips (to keep your back straight)
- Keep your abs engaged and your back straight
- Exhale, pushing into the heel of the front foot to bring the back leg forward
- Kick (heel first) your back leg forward and then set your foot down in front
Repeat the sequence, alternating legs.
Lateral squat walk
Starting position, half squat
- Bend your knees, pushing your butt back (as if you were sitting in a chair)
- Keep your knees in line with your toes
- Keep your weight in your heels and don’t let your knees go over your toes
- Keep your abs engaged and your back straight
- Engage your abs throughout this exercise
- Step to the side with your right foot so that your feet are a little wider than your hips
- Pull your left foot to your right foot so that your feet are hip width apart
- Move to the side without straightening your knees
- Keep your knees bent and your weight in your heels throughout the exercise
Repeat the exercise on the other side, starting with the left foot.
Arabesque on tree trunk
Starting position
- Stand up straight
- Make your movements fluid throughout the exercise (the goal is to keep your balance while controlling your movements)
- Engage your abs
- Leaning your torso slightly forward, lift and extend your left leg backwards and open your arms out to the sides to keep your balance
- Bend your left leg, keeping your torso slightly forward and taking a big step forward with your leg
- Step your right foot forward
Repeat the exercise with the right leg.
Single-leg squat on a tree stump (or the edge of a sidewalk, for example)
Starting position, half squat
- Stand on one leg, keeping your back and head straight and your abs engaged
- Slightly bend your right knee, aligning it with your toes
- Put your weight in your heel
- Bend your right knee a little more and push into your left heel to lower it towards the floor
- Straighten your right knee and repeat
Move happily
Treat yourself to the experience of a lasting transformation and learn to move happily woth this 4-night stay – Movement.