
Destination Spa Vacations: a long-lasting effect vacation

« Spa: it’s a lifestyle, not a luxury ». This is the title of a press release issued by International Spa Association (ISPA) a few days ago. In the actual economic climate, many consider vacations as a luxury they can’t afford. But as many others, I think it should rather be seen as a precious investment in your own well-being, if not, survival.

« Spas are not about luxury – they’re about re-charging your battery, taking time to re-new, and learning how to take care of yourself,» said President Lynne McNees in ISPA’s press release. « Spas are about health, reducing stress and aging gracefully. The key is to take the information you learn at the spa, and incorporate it into your daily routine at home.»


ISPA was giving the results of a recent research, the 2008 ISPA Global Consumer Study:

The No.1 reason people around the world spa is to relax and relieve/reduce stress.
In 11 of the 15 countries surveyed, overall wellness and health was one of the top three reasons consumers spa.
In eight of the 15 countries surveyed, healthcare practitioner recommendation was one of the top three motivators for visiting a spa.

Spa Finder Magazine and the New York Times also discussed the subject lately:

« In late November, a couple of months after the global financial crisis leaped to the top of news reports, spa lovers browsing at were showing new interest in a concept fit for jittery times. Along with the usual search terms, like “day spas” and “massage,” a newly prominent word was typed into the site’s search engine three times more often than it had been in the summer. That word was “stress.” wrote Michele Higgins in the New York Times.

Destination spas take spa vacations to another level by offering a wide range of activities to enhance the relaxing and therapeutic effects of spa treatments. For example, at Spa Eastman (one of the 24 certified members of the Destination Spa Group (DSG)), there are 3 fitness activities scheduled everyday, 3 guided walks per day, plus workshops and conferences on stress management, healthy nutrition, yoga, meditation, etc. These activities are included in all overnight stay package and they definitely can make a difference on what’s left of your vacation once it’s over. That’s where spa vacations can have a serious impact on your life. And that’s why I would never compare a destination spa to a spa located in a hotel, may it be located in the nicest hotel or destination in the world! Not that there’s no interest in it; we’re just not talking about the same kind of benefits. 

In her post “Spa vacations, for the health of it!” on DSG’s blog, Michelle Kleist talks about a Cornell Survey on Destination Spa Vacations:

« Cornell Survey found that a destination spa vacation had many positive mental and physical effects, including:

Increased energy levels;
Improved abilities to resolve challenges;
Improved relaxation;
Improved ability to handle everyday life;
Improved concentration;
Improved ability to handle business affairs.

So instead of forgoing your vacation this year, re-tool and invest in yourself at a Destination Spa. »

OK. I convinced you that destination spa vacations were not a luxury but the answer to a serious need. Here’s the good news: there’s a 10% discount special offer going on at Spa Eastman until May 31 and a very special offer that allows you to take along your mom for free if you book for the week before Mother’s day. See details on Spa Eastman’s offers here. You can also take a look at other real Destination Spas special offers on DSG’s website. We also really like Rancho La Puerta and they have nice special offers going on these days.

Think about it this way: if you need it, you deserve it!
