The time when yoga is most needed is often after a long day at work, when the connection with our body is sometimes unconsciously left aside. If you do a seated job, you may feel some stiffness or discomfort after spending a full day in front of the screen. And if your job involves repetitive […]
Tag: Exercices
5 Stretches You Can Do at Your Office
Vous savez peut-être que l’activité physique, les étirements et le mouvement permettent de mieux gérer le stress, de mieux dormir et d’améliorer la santé et la qualité de vie en général. Il arrive parfois qu’on n’ait pas le temps de faire régulièrement de l’exercice. Nous vous proposons alors une série de 5 étirements à faire, […]
Exercising in water is for everyone of any age, even those who can’t swim. Whether you’re an athlete or overweight, in shape or in recovery, water aerobics and stretching in warm water is for you. Training in water is great for your cardiovascular and muscular systems. It can reduce swelling, neck and lower back pain, […]
Six Outdoor Exercises
Take advantage of the beautiful days to train outside! We’ve come up with a series of simple exercises for you to do on your next walk. You won’t need any equipment, just use what you find on the way. Bench dips Lateral squat walk Starting position, half squat Bend your knees, pushing your butt back […]
Five Easy Exercises : Your Gym at Home
One of our Spa Eastman Kinesiologists, Philippe Viger, has designed a series of five sequential exercises, that can be done in the comfort of your own home. The 30-minute workout has many benefits. It will improve your muscle tone, help you to manage your weight and lower your blood pressure (among other things). You can […]