We all know how vital of a role food plays in our health, and that it is far more than a simple nutrient delivery system. Food enhances our enjoyment of life and gives us the opportunity to commune with people we know and love. As well, cooking is a creative outlet and an act of love for whoever eats it – whether for ourselves or for other people.
Here at Spa Eastman, one of my roles is to empower you, our clients, with the information you need to select the right foods for you, to inspire you by showing you how delicious and nourishing these foods can be, and to provide you with the means as to how to create them for yourself.
Art de vivre c’tonique
Jean-Yves Dionne and I are passionate about the hidden and often neglected aspect of using age-old nutrient-dense foods. We realized there was also an epicurean aspect which was much needed in the discussion and research around this revolutionary approach. With all of this in mind we developped this new Art de vivre C’Tonique retreat.
When our Cuisine ToniqueMC approach is carefully adjusted so as to re-educate the body to use up its own fat reserves efficiently, the benefits are not only lowering inflammation and pain (1) but the added benefits of weight loss, normalizing appetite, lowering insulin levels, and increasing muscle mass (2).
The resulting Art de vivre C’Tonique inspired menu is filled with delicious and simple recipes which will delight your taste buds, support energy levels throughout the day…and leave you plenty of time for some much-needed exercise and perhaps a mindfulness meditation session.
Here are two receipes for those early morning, ‘what on earth do I eat for breakfast’ days…a few minutes of preparation and loads of energy for a day ahead full of creativity.
Almond butter and raw chocolate smoothie
[1] Jacqueline Lagacé – Comment j’ai vaincu la douleur et l’inflammation par l’alimentation http://www.editionsfides.com/fr/product/editions-fides/essais/sante-et-bien-etre/comment-jai-vaincu-la-douleur-et-linflammation-chronique-par-lalimentation_450.aspx
[2] https://transformation-physique.com/les-lois-de-lobesite-par-jason-fung/