


Hypnosis therapy is intended to give the person access to her less exploit resources and help the person to activate their strengths.

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Hypnosis therapy is intended to give the person access to her less exploit resources and help the person to activate their strengths. Most of the psychological theories consider that a lot of personal and relational problems have their source in the unconscious. It is in the unconscious that are stocked hundred thousand data that control a large part of our existence. The hypnotherapist invites the unconscious to let go of his damaging thoughts and replace them with fairer ideas or some that correspond better to his values. The person who signs up in a therapeutic process can expect to have more than one appointment and the following can be done online with the therapist if the client has completed his stay at the spa.

Samuel Ledoux
Samuel Ledoux is a hypnotherapist, and he has completed his formation of practitioner in therapeutic hypnosis and, after that, the one of the technicians in humanist hypnosis. Samuel is doing his master in therapeutic hypnosis, and he is supervisor at school of therapeutic and medical hypnosis. Furthermore, he is a member of the National Association of Naturopaths (NAN).
After many years devoted to the fight against cancer in The Department of He’s passionate about personal development and he is fascinated by the psychological aspect of human. His desire to understand himself better lead his gaze inward, what makes him discover meditation and hypnosis. The problems that he treats with his clients are weight management, anxiety symptom management and dependance.
Duration90 min.